Today begins our official countdown to Chandler Garrett's (feel free to use which ever name you prefer :) 12th Birthday. He was born on May 12th, 1996- on Mothers day. I always, like all moms, get very emotional and reminiscent when his birthday gets close, so this year, for the next twelve days I invite you on a walk down memory lane. Each day I will post some pictures of each of his years- it is a shameless way to share pictures of my favorite kid in all the world. Most of the pictures were taken before digital images, so I have taken a picture of the pictures out of his scrapbooks, so the quality aint so great-but you can still see what a precious punkin love he was and still is.
Today, his first hospital picture and shots of his first year. I thought he was the fatest, cutest, little thing ever. I just knew he would be a husky little football player-you will see that the chubbiness quickly wore off and football no longer a dream. Thanks for indulging this proud mom. Enjoy my little man!!!
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